Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Yesterday, July 21, 2009

9:09AM -- I know I have missed birthdays and anniversaries the past few months. I've never been good at them, but I know Alyson and Kevin celebrated b'days. Mike and Lyle also. Happy Anniversary to Kevin and Tommilyn...which I know was earlier this month. I'm also aware that August holds a lot of special days for those of you out in, I'm sending those wishes to you as well.

Yesterday was hard. I picked up an ecard w/note from Lyn; got a call from Alyce once I had reached the shopping center in Scottsville; and, just before bedtime, I got an email from Rob and his family. They all meant so much to me. I spent quite a while at the cemetery talking to Larry....smiles...tears...remembering last year vividly. The conversations we held right up to the end. Even now, his voice will break into my thoughts at any given time of day/night. He was so unselfish. I know some of you find that hard to believe.....but, he really was. He worried about me all the time, once he was gone. Kept telling me to live my life...find someone to take care of much he loved me and wanted me to be happy. Gawd...he was one in a million. I was so lucky to have met have shared his life...those years were the best of my life. I don't know if he truly understood how much he influenced my much happiness he brought into my life... If I could have him back...just long enough to hug and kiss him once more...tell him how much I love him...and to see his smile...hear his laughter...his voice... One day...then we'll be together eternally just as we had talked about over the years.