Thursday, July 17, 2008

Dang, it's getting hot again!!!

04:59PM -- The day hasn't been all that bad, actually. Larry woke up with pain and nausea and took meds for both. It was also the day to change his Fentanyl 100mcg pain patch, so got that done this morning. He drank an Ensure for breakfast and nothing more. Not sure what dinner will be other than the pills he took for pain and nausea when he got home. Talking about El Cabritos...who knows. Planning to take him to Natural Bridge late Sunday afternoon or early evening. It will all depend on how he is feeling. It concerns both of us that the pain patch isn't relieving the pain enough that he doesn't have to take the percocets. He's only been on the 100mcg patch for a week. His oncologist said the next step is the pump. Neither of us are very crazy about moving up to that least not this soon.

My mom sent Larry a birthday card with some money tucked inside...He teared up and said she didn't have to do that....I told him "no, she didn't have to; but, she did." :)

Told Larry we were going to take a trip up to Natural Bridge on Sunday afternoon for his birthday. He wanted to go before but so much was going on with him...hopefully, there will be a paved walkway through the Monican Indian settlement...that's part of the admission....

Chris - Larry's son - called last night around 11:30pm to let us know they had made it back home safely.

Not much going on here at the moment, which works for me! Anyway...more later if anything changes/happens.

Congratulations, Alyson, Justin & family!!! :)

11:44PM -- Got Larry home from dialysis....ending B/P was 160/65 and weight was 90.1 kilos....ate KFC chicken tonight...took another pain and nausea pill when he came home, too....Larry napped from about 8:30 or 9 until i got back home (picked chris up at work) and woke him up around 11:30pm... his shirt was soaked...took it off...he sat up...fixed him a small coke and told him to take his pills....turned A/C up in the in the house for some least his pain is pretty much gone now....Think I'm going to bed early tonight, myself...

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