Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Oh, they have no idea who they are dealing with...

Larry's cell phone decided to go on the fritz Sunday, so I dropped Larry off at dialysis, ran by his eye specialist's office to pick up a drop that he has to have, and then off across town to Sprint's retail store with his cell in my hand. I was almost immediately taken care of by a friendly face who checked out his phone and then handed it back to me. She sent me out in the opposite direction to their "repair and return" store on Timberlake. Traffic during this time of the day on either of those streets is more than I care to deal with. I stopped for a red light and the fool next to me just kept going and barely missed a van pulling into the intersection. And the fool - get this - acted like it was the other driver's fault. I swear, my last life (ex-hubby) was correct...Virginians drive like Quebec-ers. They have no idea what a turn signal is for and posted speed limit signs are only for the pigeons to make pit stops on...and whatever else pigeons do to stationary objects they decide to take a break on.

Anyway, I get out to the repair store and immediately I am taken care of. Only to be told minutes later that the charger access on his phone is corroded and insurance (yes, I pay that extra $8/month) will require me to call them, return the phone, pay a fee and ship me a new phone. Well, that's just not going to work. I told the guy that my dh (darling hubby) is terminally ill with only a few weeks left, so there isn't enough time for all that run-around crap. And, his phone is his lifeline to me...he HAS to have a phone NOW...not tomorrow...not next week...and certainly not next MONTH!!!

So, I will have to go back to the retail store and haggle -- or bitch (their choice) -- over exchanging this phone for a new phone that works. Trust me....if you've ever been around me when Larry was in a hospital somewhere, you know how I can be when I'm not a happy camper. I will almost bet you having to do this today - with the added stress of being told yesterday that Larry has only a few weeks left - my tolerance level is a shorter fuse than usual. Yes, I'll try the "sweet-enough-to-give-you-cavities" route first...but that will probably last less than 5 minutes if I run into an obstinate, "we can't exchange it here" attitude.

Going to be another interesting evening, I suspect.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

May God be with you when the times comes. I will say a few Extra Prayers for you both hold on to each other every Mintue you can.