Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Two Days In A Row!

10:14AM -- Pretty good, eh? Okay, straight to the business. Larry has an increased amount of pain and has already taken 3ml of the Dilaudid. He's eating a decent breakfast this morning, IF he eats it...plus, a chocolate Ensure. He's got dialysis today, so this isn't going to be an indepth post. We haven't heard anything about his mom, so - as my mom would say - no news is most likely good news. More later...

01:29PM -- Larry - as I said earlier - is experiencing much more pain. He had to take another 3ml of the Dilaudid by 11:36 this morning. My heart just aches for him. He decided against going to dialysis today, saying he would go on Thursday. This doesn't worry me too much as he did go this past Saturday...and, provided he goes on Thursday. He asked me to call his hospice nurse and ask if he can take a percocet on top of the Dilaudid and to let her know the pain patch just isn't accomplishing much relief at all now. (I just put a new one on him yesterday morning, and he still had to take 3 doses of Dilaudid throughout the day.) This isn't bad as far as the med is concerned because he can take 4ml of Dilaudid every 2 hours. He hasn't requested anymore since 11:37AM. Still haven't heard from anyone in SC about his mom, so we will call later.

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