Monday, September 8, 2008

It Was AWESOME!!! Big Thanks to Georgia!!!

(Right: Larry watching ZZ Top perform)
10:42AM -- The concert was great! Our seats were directly in front of the staging area...the accoustics in the arena were perfect, even when you felt the floor rumble beneath your feet. LOL! I even checked my cell phone a few times because the vibration felt as if it was ringing. (my cell always stays on vibrate) Anyway, Rodney Atkins was the opening act; followed by Brooks & Dunn; and then ZZ Top took over and just absolutely rocked the house!!! Those guys are just so attuned to each other after 35 years, they're amazing! Unlike soooo many bands out there that work the entire stage, ZZ Top does their famous in-sync steps and just commands attention. I warned Larry that when they did Sharp Dressed Man, I would most likely embarrass him. That's my all time favorite song by ZZ Top!
Brooks and Dunn were great. They did a lot of their top hits. None of them played for more than a hour and 15 minutes...give or take a few. Rodney Atkins was great too! He's been to Cattle Annie's in the past year once or twice, I think. We got home around 12:30ish. It was a long day for Larry, but he so enjoyed it. I even caught him smiling and rocking to the beat in his chair a few times.

11:42AM -- Larry just woke up about 30 minutes ago. Nauseated and pain. Gave him meds for both and also changed his patch. The attendents/staff at the arena were very helpful and accommodating. They made sure I could get our van next to the curb/sidewalk so Larry would be able to easily slide into the seat from his wheelchair. They personally directed us through traffic to take the easiest access outlet. We came home with a few souvenirs. Definitely not least of all a ZZ Top necklace (which will "illegal or not" hang from our rearview mirror in the van) and a t-shirt! Above and to the right is the necklace and front of the t-shirt. Brooks and Dunn are in the pic below:

Note: Last night after getting home, I was taking care of Larry's needs and was standing in front of him while he sat on the side of the bed. Someone lightly laid a hand on my upper shoulder blade, so I turned expecting to see one of my boys (Richard or Chris). No one was there!!! I told Larry about it and he said it may have been a Guardian Angel. It didn't scare me. Actually, I was pretty calm...accepting. (Not the first time it's happened to me, but it has been quite a few years since the last time.) No, I'm not on drugs. I don't even do my prescribed meds on a regular basis. However, I DO believe in angels, God and the Holy Spirit.

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