Tuesday, September 9, 2008

It's Cloudy Here Again...

08:22AM -- This will be another wet week - with the exception of Thursday. Thunderstorms and showers all week, but the temps will certainly be tolerable. (70s and 80s) Larry is still sleeping. I'm not sure if he is going to dialysis today. He mentioned last night that he just didn't feel like going. I imagine he will bow out since it is raining. We'll see...

10:51PM -- Well, I had to wake Larry at 10:45 this morning. He decided he wasn't going to dialysis today. He said he'd go Thursday. He's been up on his computer and is now watching television in the bedroom. Larry seems to be doing okay today...no pain or nausea meds needed. He's been dealing with diarrhea since Sunday evening. I'm not sure I've mentioned this in a previous post, so I'll do it now... Larry has gotten weaker, and most of the time requires me to move his leg for as he doesn't have the strength to move it on his own. I generally have to help slide him along his sliding board from the bed to the wheelchair and vice-versa. The same holds true when he is getting into the van. I have to lift his foot up into the van as he can't do it alone. Then, I have to help get him centered in the seat. His apettite isn't at all what it should be. He eats very little and I've threatened to make him drink at least 3 Ensures a day. He's been passing small clots off and on in the past couple of weeks. No biggie compared to previous experiences. I've got to get his evening pills and eye drops done, so I'll close here.

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